We Love Our Art Community.
A community brings together a group of individuals with similar traits and pursuits. We're so grateful for each member of our Art Party Unlimited community!

If you have attended just one of our classes, or are one of our frequent flyers who comes to many, you belong to an amazing group brought together by your creative energy. As a community, we've noticed that there is a sense of belonging, of sharing, and of resiliency among you, our painting friends.
Who doesn't want to feel like they belong? At its essence, a community is a place where we feel accepted, where there is a sense of belonging. That is a wonderful part of what we have here at Art Party Unlimited. When you walk through those classroom doors, or enter that virtual meeting space, no matter what your level of art experience or what is going on in your life, we come together to do something positive and create positive energy together!
Community is also built through sharing. Over the years, we've shared art experiences with so many of you, and you have shared them with one another. Sharing a bit of life with other humans, even for the most introverted of us, promotes a sense of well-being. Even just sharing a couple of hours spent involved in the process of painting can help us cope with the stress of life. When we can't make it to class, sharing a photo of a painting to show off our progress can work wonders on our soul. We invite you to share and interact with what we and others are sharing. That may be on our social media, or on our community forum. We love seeing what everyone is creating!
The resiliency fostered by belonging to a community is a benefit we may not think of as often as the belonging and sharing aspects of community. However, developing a sense of resiliency is essential to living a happy life! Being resilient means you have the ability to bounce back when forced to face the challenges life throws at you. It doesn't mean we won't fail or get hurt, instead it refers to our ability to make a comeback when difficulty inevitably happens. Resiliency grows when we can take risks and push ourselves in the safety of a community where it is ok if we fail. When you are part of a community, your resilience is strengthened as you are encouraged to keep going when facing a challenge. That happens in every single one of our classes! You may not be the one that needs the encouragement, you may be the encourager, and that is equally important. Just being a part of the energy of a creative group where you and others are trying new things and making course corrections without fear is a resiliency strengthener. "There are no mistakes, only happy accidents" is the epitome of a resilient spirit!
Thanks again art community! We have grateful hearts to be a part of this group and look forward to creating more experiences where we can build our community full of belonging, sharing, and resiliency!