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As a landscape painter, one of the most vexing things is to discover that the perfect scene to paint or photograph is just on the other side of all the city buildings that are blocking our ability to enjoy them.


Signs, buildings, etc. get in our way. Those areas in the built up areas are replete with violence, poverty and suffering. In the city you cannot truly enjoy all that nature has to offer as you trudge along down the pavement streets, sidewalks and buildings.

I assure you that the most wonderous scenery is behind the buildings in this painting, taunting you to come and see. Yet you can't, because the expanse of the city never ends.

I feel this piece creates the tension I feel when something is just beyond my reach of seeing it. It's forever frustrating.

"Blocking Up the Scenery" 8 x 10 Casein on Hard Board, #8544

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