Q: i really want to do that lighthouse, so maybe it could be a 2 or 3 week class/ workshop? also maybe some more creaks or other small bodies of water in your Laconia studio :)
A: To give readers context, the "lighthouse" this person is referring to is Bob Ross's "Night Light" from Season 3, Episode 8 of "The Joy of Painting" television series. A portion of my painting is below.

The small creeks or other bodies of water I will address second, so here it goes on the lighthouse.
I have actually only paused on placing that painting on our calendar because the lighthouse is difficult to do in one session. You are correct to think that is should be a two or three session class and I am considering it. The challenge we are running into right now that with inflation soaring and gas prices crushing our painting friends some folks just can't afford to commute to classes anymore. But I'm not giving up on the lighthouse! Look for it as a Saturday afternoon class (I know who you are and what your work schedule is! ha ha. Your comments kinda blew the confidentiality of the survey, but I very much appreciate you bringing this up again. I'll get it on the schedule for you this week.
Now, onto creeks and other small bodies of water. I do have Bob Ross's "Arctic Beauty" on the schedule for April 1 in Dubois, but I realize that is quite a commute for the majority of folks who paint with me.

If this painting sells out in Dubois I will offer it in Laconia. It features a large creek (or small river) that leads to a small waterfall. I'm currently finishing the details on my example version of this painting. It's a fun one to paint, and the venue at the library in Dubois is wonderful. Hurry, though, I feel fortunate that I sell out every class at that library, so book your seat right away! Also, in the Beyond Bob workshop starting in Januarty I'll be covering a super simple way to get your creeks and paths in with no trouble. I'm sure it will help you!
Thanks for the comments and that 5-star review!
Alright! We have the lighthouse on the schedule as a 2-session workshop March 5 & 12 from 2-6 p.m. We'll provide the supplies, you supply the fun attitude! This is going to be fun and I'll show you how to really get some cool lighting effects on the lighthouse if you want to refine it more and more at home after the workshop!
Thanks for the suggestion. This painting was actually requested by three different people recently, so we think it will do well!