About Us

"Bright Winter Night" 18 x 24 oil on canvas

Brian Sutton painting en plein air in Brandenburg, Ky in May 2022
About Me:
Welcome to Brian Sutton Art!
I have been around art my entire life. My mother is a gifted oil and watercolor artist, but now spends her days making wonderful quilts for others. Because of my exposure to beautiful art from almost the moment I was born, ... (more)
Upcoming Classes and Workshops
I teach classes and workshops year around, but classes
are scarce during the summer months. That is prime
outdoor painting season for plein air artists as well as the
growing season. I tend a pretty big garden over the spring,
summer and fall so time is limited for classes.
You can find all available classes on the Schedule page.
If you have a topic you'd like to see in a future workshop email your idea to brian@artpartyunlimited.com. I do pay close attention and log your requests so that I know what you are interested in learning.

"Not Quite Sunset," 12 x 16 oil on hardboard, #7899
My Favorite Painting things...
I am often asked about my gear, paints, brushes, solvents, etc.
I have finally gathered up all the particulars and created a couple of pages dedicated to my gear and supplies.
I have broken down my list into "plein air" and "studio" supplies and equipment. I'll do my best to routinely update (I do LOVE to try new colors!) so here is goes...!
Book/Video recommendations:
I am a voracious reader, so check back often for a list of books I recommend to improve your art.
This page is coming soon!